DIY Gum Container Upcycle for Button Storage

As most of you know, I’m a big fan of upcycling. I’ve written many tutorials on how to recycle everything from 6 pack carriers and soda cans to mint tins. I try to reuse everything.

Today, I’m upcycling an old gum container. You know, the plastic ones that fit in the cup holder of your car? I have a few of them and I’ve found that they’re super useful for storing small things like buttons and bobby pins. They’re also really great for transporting snacks.

With that in mind, I’d encourage you to save all of your gum holders and use them for storage when you finish with them. This is just one of the many ways to reuse them.


Supplies needed to recycle old gum container

  • twine
  • scissors
  • glue stick
  • gum container
  • scrapbook paper
  • hot melt glue and gun


gum holder upcycle project

Step 1: remove the labels from the gum container

Cut or peel off the labels.

Tip: if you have trouble getting the paper labels off, try using Goo Gone. The stuff is amazing.


Step 2: decorate the gum lid

Place a piece of scrapbook paper over the lid and press your finger around the embossed section to define the shape. Then flip the scrapbook paper over and cut it out. It’s usually easier to see the lines on the non-decorated side.

Glue the scrapbook circle to the lid.


twine wrapped gum holder

Step 3: wrap the gum container with twine

Start at the bottom and hot glue the end of your twine rope to the container. continue to wrap the twine and glue it every inch or so as you make your way up.


button storage gum container

That’s it! Now all you have to do is stuff it with buttons, or whatever small items you want to store.

How have you decorated your gum holders? Let me know in comments.

Happy crafting!



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