DIY Paper Beaded Earrings

DIY paper beaded earrings

Making these earrings was so much fun! Why? I made the beads from paper.

Pretty cool, right?

You can make them too! You could use old photographs, magazines, scrapbook paper… anything you have around the house.

Take what you have and upcycle it. Upcycled crafts are the best kind.


materials for paper bead earrings

Materials needed to make paper beaded earrings

  • Scissors
  • Paper clip
  • Mod Podge
  • Paint brush
  • Earring wire
  • Earring hooks
  • Round-nosed pliers
  • Clear nail polish (optional)


scrapbook paper cutouts for bead making

Step 1: cut the paper

Cut your paper into a long triangle.

I used 12×12 paper but you can use whatever you want.


Step 2: glue and roll

Brush on a little bit of Mod Podge to the larger end of the paper. Then begin to roll up the edge toward the smaller end. Roll tightly.

Continue to glue and roll until you run out of paper.


wrapped paper bead

You should have a bead that looks similar to mine in the image above.


Step 3: seal the paper

Unfold your paper clip leaving one end slightly bent.

Slide your new bead onto it.

Brush two layers of Mod Podge to the outside of the bead to seal it.

Let it dry.


glazed coating

Step 4: glossy finish (optional)

You don’t have to participate in this step, but I think it adds an extra pop to the beads.

While your bead is still on the paper clip, paint on a layer of clear nail polish.

Let it dry.


wire bead

Step 5: add the wire

Place the earring wire (with the flat end at the bottom) up through the bead and create a loop at the very top.

You can add any other accents during this step as well. I chose to put a small metal bead at the bottom.


earrings made from paper beads

Step 6: add earring hooks

Add the earring hooks to the wire loop and you’re finished.


DIY paper beaded earrings

They’re likely not going to look exactly the same, but they’re pretty close.

As you can see in my example, I wrapped one bead (left) tighter than the other. I like the look of that one better. I suppose that will come with practice.

I’ve seen these types of earrings at craft fairs all over the place and had to try to make some myself. Since they’re upcycled, i love them even more.

Let me know what you think.

Happy crafting!


6 thoughts on “DIY Paper Beaded Earrings

  1. I’ve made these before and it was super fun! We didn’t use nail polish though–we used this epoxy resin stuff. I think it works the same way this does! Yours look cute :).

  2. Pingback: 5 Easy DIY Earring Ideas | Make Something Mondays!

  3. Pingback: Beaded toilet paper earrings tutorial - Jewelry Directory

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