DIY Business Card Holder

DIY business card holder from an Altoid tin


I am getting to a point in my career where I need a place to store business cards. Does that mean I am going to buy a business card holder? No way! I am going to make one. I think you will all enjoy this one! The way to design your business card holder is entirely up to you. It can be girly, masculine, or just professional. That is why I like this one so much. It is completely personalized.


Materials for a DIY business card holderThings You Will Need:
Tin can
Paint Brush
Mod Podge
Diamond glaze
Scrapbook paper


painting altoid tinsStep 1:

The first step is optional. I didn’t like being able to see the nutrition info on the bottom of the tin, so I painted over it with black fingernail polish.


how to make a business card holder


Step 2:

Trace the tin onto the back of your chosen scrapbook paper and cut it out. Make sure it fits the top of the tin. If not, trim as needed.


Mod podge: layer 1Step 3:

Add a light layer of Mod Podge to the top of your tin.


adding some color to the business card holderStep 4:

Press down your pre-cut scrapbook paper onto the top of the tin. Make sure you press down on the edges. Let it dry.


mod podge: layer 2Step 5:

Put another layer of Mod Podge on top of the scrapbook paper. Let it dry.


adding-ribbonsStep 6:

Add some decorative elements if you want. I chose a gray ribbon and a white ribbon.


diamond glazeStep 7:

Add a layer of Diamond Glaze to the scrapbook paper. You will have to let this glue dry for several hours. Over night is ideal.



Step 8:

After an hour or so add in your extra decorative elements (if you want them) such as beads, buttons, or anything raised.



DIY business card holder from an Altoid tin

DIY Business card holder

Now you have a cute, yet professional business card holder! A recycled business card holder!

Happy crafting!









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